Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ok, maybe some more editorializing

So I have some more thoughts that I need to get out about this. And, remember, I do not speak for the Peace Corps or the US or Beninese governments...I'm just one volunteer, a cog in the machine, a brick in the wall. So, okay.

I've been reading a few of the volunteers' blogs on about the special; I was just curious about what some of them thought about the whole thing. I was really surprised to see the level of ABC bashing and the huge amount of support for the Peace Corps as an organization. I mean, I understand that Applicants need to not say anything worthwhile on their blog. But, other volunteers? I refuse to believe that all these other volunteers can so easily write off the news story as "bad journalism," purely sensationalistic crap, and then in the same sentence give support to the both Kate's family AND the Peace Corps administration. I mean, maybe next time, 20/20 could try to do something good and not "attack a national organization"? Really? Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States of America? I just can't accept that these PCVs and applicants are all just blindly throwing support to the Peace Corps as this great and wonderful organization saving the world. I mean, come on. Yeah, the 20/20 special was muckraking, sensational, incendiary and tear-jerking and it damn well needed to be. It's been almost two years since her murder and the Peace Corps certainly isn't getting the American public invested or the Beninese government for that matter. I can completely understand turning toward the media. At least people are talking about it now. Ongoing investigation my ass. There are 4 lawyers in this country.

Look, guys. It's not like a random volunteer was murdered and people are upset that the Peace Corps is mishandling the case and not giving us details. That's not what's frustrating to me and to other PC/Benin volunteers here. Peace Corps Benin specifically caused her murder. She brought attention to the behavior of one of her fellow teachers and Peace Corps language facilitator by a private email that was inappropriately forwarded to the coworker's brother, one of the higher ups in the PC/Benin and she was brutally murdered as retaliation for the loss of his job. Peace Corps Benin killed Kate. The story damn well better be sensationalistic.

It's nice to think that the Peace Corps administration in your country has your back. And I'm pretty sure that most of the time, in most countries, they absolutely do. I really do feel safe in Djougou. I love my community and I honestly believe in the work that I am doing here for the Peace Corps and as a representative for America. I genuinely like the good folks who work at the bureau in Cotonou, both the Americans and the host country nationals...but, it doesn't serve anyone's interests for PCVs to just close our eyes and give blanketed support to the organization. I know that the Peace Corps is great, but I also know it can be better. I feel like I have a responsibility as a PCV in Benin and as an American to criticize the Peace Corps and I'm not planning on stopping until I see this organization reach its potential. And the fact that I'm able to do it at all is what makes both the Peace Corps and America so fucking amazing.



  1. Well-reasoned rant.

    Some things happened in my country of service, too. It's scary that A. Peace Corps wants to make it go away and B. that members of the public, by and large, don't want to listen anyway.

  2. As a PCV I couldn't agree more.

  3. As a proud and happy RPCV who is now a news reporter, I think this is spot on. I really wish more RPCVs shared your attitude.

  4. I'm leaving for the Peace Corps in a few days and just wanted to say thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!

  5. Thanks for the supportive comments! I really appreciate it. We take a bit of a risk when we publicly criticize the Peace Corps, but I believe that if it's done respectfully, it's exactly what makes America great!

