Monday, October 4, 2010


October 3, 2010

I just got back from Natitangou and I tell ya, it is freaking gorgeous up there. I can see why it is the primary place of tourism in this country. The entire city is surrounded by these majestic hills that the sun sets behind. There is this restaurant that is up on one of the hills and were we went to dinner (and lunch the next day!); you could see the entire city and the stars from up there. I am definitely taking colt there on a date one night; it’s easily the prettiest place I’ve seen in Africa thus far. And the food was damn good, too…at least by African standards. Frites and I hear the chicken was fantastic (at least for African standards).

Speaking of meat, I have been seriously craving a steak. Like a big, juicy, delicious, expensive steak. I think if someone presented me with one right now all ready to go, I’d probably actually eat it. The problem is that I don’t particularly want to eat any other meat; I don’t want to waste my meat eating on something not good enough…something lame. And since the only place I can get a sufficiently delicious piece of meat is the US of A, I think I will be remaining a vegetarian. And I’m also going to cherche some more sources of protein because I think I’m probably not getting enough since I’m legit having intense cravings for steak!

Right now I am downloading like a million movies from another volunteer and I am super psyched about it. I will have all the Harry Potters and Back to the Futures and I am also getting more 6 feet under so I can finally finish the series in peace even though mom ruined it for me last year. I’m also going to get caught up on 30 Rock and Entourage and I might watch Californication…all of that after I finish season 3 of Dexter. I definitely did not expect to be watching this much television in Africa…hmmmm.

Ok….well, that’s pretty much it for now. I’ll definitely update soon if anything actually interesting happens around here! I think I’m headed to the centre de santé tomorrow or Tuesday. Perhaps something cool will go down. I really need something interesting for my medical school personal statement! Haha


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