Friday, April 9, 2010

shutdown mini rant

All this Mali buzz and fellow blogger successes with PO contact encouraged me to update my file with the health desk. So I sent in copies of my CPR and First Aid certifications attached to an email about my current activities related to health and French, etc. I got this shutdown response:

"Your updates have been received by the Health Desk. A copy of your email detailing your updated experience and copies of your certifications will be placed in your file.

Currently, your file is in line to be reviewed by the Assessment and Placement Staff. Your file should be reviewed within the next few weeks and then it will go to your Placement Office Specialist who will consider you for an invitation. The latest that invitations can be issued for the program you were nominated into is the end of May.

Hopefully from this you are able to get some sense of a timeline. Unfortunately, due to the high number of summer programs that the Placement Office is currently working to fill, I am unable to pinpoint an exact date by which you will hear from us concerning a placement."
MAY?? MAY??!
I am just really frustrated at this point. I know they say 6 weeks minimum, but I mean, come on. It is just not realistic to expect a graduating senior to just sit around and twiddle my thumbs while I pass up on every other opportunity that comes my way. I want the Peace Corps, so I'm waiting, but it's irritating. I'm irritated. I applied over 9 months ago. I just want to be able to start looking for supplies and planning for this. I will only have a month after graduation to think about it and get ready to leave and that's just not enough time for me to be comfortable. I mean, I'll deal with it, but it's just a hassle. Maybe the Peace Corps should hire some more people in order to not inconvenience the applicants unnecessarily. I mean, I understand needing patience. But 9 months is ridiculous and a longer waiting period than any other job I could be persuing. This wait and uncertainty is a deterrant for potential applicants and it gives the Peace Corps an image of inefficiency, red tape, and excessive bureaucracy. A rolling admissions program for those who apply early would better serve future peace corps volunteers and their families. I'm frustrated, my family, friends, and fiance are frustrated, and we're all anxious to know what my plans are post graduation. It sucks! ok...

But other than my frustration, things are going well. I'm working on some bio projects and beginning to work on some of my final papers for various courses. I can't believe there's only 20 days of classes left in my college days. Totally wild.

I am officially going cold turkey on my own blog for the next 2 weeks. Going underground is apparently the only way I can deal with this excessive waiting. I'll probably be checking pcjournals in general, though, if only to catch other people's invites while i wallow in my own self pity. haha



  1. girl, I completely feel you. A large part of why my blog is so far underground is because it contains massive swearing and "F*CK YOU F*CK ALL THIS RED TAPE YOU ARE NOT A CLUB IN LAS VEGAS STOP TRYING TO BE ALL EXCLUSIVE AND SH*T"

    hang in there!!

  2. So your tentative departure date was this summer and you haven't received an invitation?
