Monday, February 22, 2010


So I finally got up the courage to call the Placement Office and found out some disparaging news. Apparently the health desk a)hasn't begun issuing invites for my program and b)probably won't get to it for another month at least. The health desk rep said that the latest I could expect to hear could be in APRIL.

It was actually really stressful because at first she said "oh it looks like only people who are leaving in the spring and summer are being considered for invitations right now and you are leaving in the fall." And I was like "what?!" July is in the summer! She quickly apologized and said yes, I was still nominated for July and medically qualified for that placement. Whew!

I think I am going to update my resume and send an updated email to the placement office with that as well as copies of my CPR certification which apparently is a helpful piece to my nomination that I did not include the first time around because I hadn't gotten the card yet during the application process. Maybe I'll mention the marathon business as well. I just really want this to go quickly. I could use some good news in the next few weeks, but she specifically said "do not expect the invite in the next three weeks." So we're looking at mid March at the earliest, she said.

UGH! I almost wish I didn't know! Looking forward to the next two to three weeks sounded really refreshing...and now my deadline has been extended to April. That's a long time to deal with RAS.

She also mentioned something sort of underhandedly like "...oh late July" which of course freaks me out because I've been assuming staging at the beginning of July...which would indicate Benin. I'll have to check the Peace Corps wiki about late July African staging dates. It looks like Mali is also in July...the Cape Verde islands actually have staging in mid July but they are definitely not a French speaking that's probably out. There really aren't any other countries that seem to be leaving around that right now the only two that fit my original nomination seem to be Benin or Mali. Either one would be awesome. I just want to know haha.

Even the health desk rep knew I was being antsy. She recommended patience and said everything would work out. She's probably totally right.



  1. Back in December, my placement officer told me not to expect anything until April 2010. As of yesterday, my invitation is in the mail. So it might be sooner for you as well! Grace :-)

  2. oh man! Bummer indeed!! My RAS is outta control enough already and now this new? dang... Well I'm glad you found all that out! I have been wondering about it my self. Who are you sending your resume to? I was thinking about sending a new one in as well but don't know who to send it to. You can email me if you want or message me on PC Connect! :) And yes your friend found me on there, I'm always amazed at what a small world it is.

  3. Hey Elaina!

    Just wanted to say kudos to you for having the courage to call and request information from the all knowing PC gods at the placement desk. I certainly can't get up the nerve to do so...Don't you just love their line about patience and flexibility? So soothing! Haha!

    Anyways, I'm sure it will work out splendidly for you, and all those places sound fascinating :-)

    Best of Luck!


  4. Hi Elaina,

    We have the same nomination exactly...awesome! I've been getting a little anxious too, but at least we're all in the same boat for the time being. And if a decision comes earlier, that'll be a pleasant surprise :-)

    Who have you been sending emails to at the placement desk? Did you get the email of your PO from your recruiter or did you call?

    It won't be long now...if the next month or so doesn't feel like a year :-)

  5. ^Hi Jorie, the email address is to send updates to. It's not a specific placement officer which is a bit frustrating, but I am trying to be relaxed about this whole thing haha.

