Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tres Cool!

We watched a video in my french class today about the francophone country of Senegal.

I am usually pretty nervous about speaking in french class, but this prompted me to say:
"j'irai en Afrique francophonie, peut etre Senegal, pour deux ans avec le corps de paix americain"

Everyone thought that was way cool. Me too! I am so excited to get to have this adventure!

The music in the video was so powerful, I was so full of this indescribable surge of anticipation knowing that in a few months I will be living a life with that soundtrack. Part of me thought that it must be some sort of sign and that I'd return to my room and find an email telling me about an updated toolkit...alas, no such message!

The prospect of being trilingual upon my return is pretty cool, too...considering now I speak only english and broken french. I wish I could figure out how to do accents on my computer...

Ahhh, I want an invite!

Patience is a virtue, right? haha


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