I spend most of my time working with an organization that trains youth in areas of sexual health and relationships, but I also work at the village health center where I assist with formations about child nutrition, vaccination campaigns, and help out a local midwife with pre-natal consultations and births. I love the work with all it's constant tests and rewarding challenges. It really is the toughest job I'll ever love (even though sometimes I feel like it's the easiest job I'll ever hate!)
This blog is intended to be a chronicling of my time abroad, including all my struggles and frustrations. I promise to faithfully include all the amazing things as well, however, from the pick up games of soccer with the neighborhood kids to learning something new in the local language. I know I'm not going to save the world, but I might as well take some time to try. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to email me or send me a letter!
email: elainahope@gmail.com
mail: Elaina ______, PCV
Corps de la paix americain
BP 971
Cotonou, Benin
West Africa