Sunday, March 28, 2010

Midnight heart stopper

Just got online to the PC wiki on a whim and saw that Benin has been added to the July time line with staging set for July 6th! That means official invites are out right?! And I suppose the caveat is...if I didn't get one, it means no to Benin for me, yeah?

Probably not necessarily. It could be that another desk has gotten out invites before the health desk...or that the date on the wiki is so super unofficial that no invites are actually out yet. Or maybe everyone who is nominated for a a health extension in July for francophone SSA has found out where they are going, except for me!! Ahhhh...

Ok, moment of crazy has passed.

I think I need to go to bed. Maybe I'll get an email in the morning. The restless applicant syndrome is killing me! I really hope I haven't gotten my hopes up for the birthplace of voodoo just to have them dashed.

Positive thoughts! On that note, just one quick thing: I was thinking that I want to incorporate my PC service into my wedding somehow...and thinking I could maybe use a song or tradition I pick up. I'm probably going to have a bit of an off-beat wedding anyway, that a couple African traditions won't seem out of place...Hmmmm. Okay, good. Now I am sufficiently distracted from RAS. Yay for my fiancé!

It seems as if Benin has already been on the wiki and somehow I had just missed it. LOL. Way to go me. Sometimes I really meet those blonde moments head on. haha


Thursday, March 25, 2010

On Jungles (or, I'm Back!)

I've been trying to stay away, but I actually think that was doing more harm than good. I just love y'all so much! I've added some artwork and set up a 'tags' section. The revamp of the look has given me some additional has catching up on my favorite West African and fellow applicant blogs. I'll probably get on here in a couple days and do my top 5 fears, with a nod to Ashleigh's PC affair.

I've been checking out PC journals again and I actually decided to go on some recon missions to discover when Benin and Mali PCVs had actually received their invitations. My information gathering has lead me to the following conclusions:

--Benin volunteers in 2008 and 2009 were generally invited in the last week of March. I am seeing a few March 28th and 30ths out there. (so that's like 3 days!)

--Benin staging dates appear to be later July, like the 21st in Philly.

--Mali volunteers in 2008 and 2009 seem to be invited a bit later, more like mid April. Dates were less tangible. Those Mali volunteers don't seem to be as up on it with the blogosphere. I'm sure that has something to do with being in the desert haha.

--Mali staging dates are actually before the Benin ones, more like July 6th or 7th. Also in Philadelphia.

So it looks like Benin people know earlier and leave later than the Mali folks. Since I am wanting to do several things upon my return in 2012 (get an apartment, get weddinged, start medical school), an earlier departure might be best. But dang, I am really quite in love with Benin. To me, it seems like the epitome of West Africa--jungles and heat with great rain storms and desert in the North. Mali also seems great, but more poverty-stricken perhaps with more...dust. I don't know. Benin gets me closer to that romantic idea of African jungles that I fell in love with when I was 15. I'm sure those ideas will be challenged where ever I end up, and that whether I end up in Mali or Benin, or some unknown country I have yet even considered, the Peace Corps will be a monumental part of my life.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yes, that was only a moment

of indecision. So all you placement officers out there reading this should know that I am as gung ho as ever about the Peace Corps. I think getting engaged would make anyone question their future, right?

After thinking about it and discussing it with advisers, friends, and the fiance in question, I have decided that I am still on track for this thang. I've wanted it for so long, I really just cannot give it up. I think a part of me pushed the idea away so much in the last month in order to hold off on disappointment and getting my hopes up, that the life I had envisioned had sort of faded away. That made it easier to reject it and think skipping out would make me happier.

Well, that assumption was wrong and I know that if I don't go I'll regret it forever. If I go, I'll only have my baby love to come back to. I am choosing the road with the least regrets and that means AFRICA.

They may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just stopped by to say hi

and to let y'all know that I am engaged!! While my boyfriend was here he got down on one knee and proposed! I am so excited; it was a while coming and now that it's official, I couldn't be happier!

So the last couple days have been causing a lot of mental anguish as far as the Peace Corps goes. On one hand, living and working in Africa has been my dream for a lot longer than I've been in my relationship. On the other hand, however, he is one of the best things in my life and it really seems very very stupid to give that up for the unknown even if just for two years. Why should I risk something so wonderful? I guess the answer is that I am risking it for country and adventure, risking it for the opportunity to realize one of my biggest life goals. I am really going back and forth here! Right now, I am still leaning toward PC pretty heavily. He also just left yesterday and I'm always the most unsure about it when we're initially apart. In a few days I'll be gung ho again. I think.

The other reason I would have to chose to stay is that I want to start medical school next year as opposed to waiting two years. That would mean, of course, that I would be applying in just a few months. I would also need to find a job for a year...probably Americorps like I originally had planned. But damn-->AFRICA. I'm just not sure I can give it up. I'm like 90% sure I can't give it up. I want it and have wanted it for too long. The super, engaged LDR thing will be tough, but it's worth it to make sure that I have no regrets. I really belive that. I have the rest of my life to be married and be a doctor. The Peace Corps really is a once in a lifetime event and that time is now. I am accepting it with open arms!

So I'm still officially 'cold turkey' and won't be regularly checking pcjournals or the wiki...but i did notice that south africa was updated. not francophone, but getting close. Who knows? I'll be back in a couple weeks I think. I don't think I'm getting the official invite anytime soon haha.
