Sunday, March 28, 2010

Midnight heart stopper

Just got online to the PC wiki on a whim and saw that Benin has been added to the July time line with staging set for July 6th! That means official invites are out right?! And I suppose the caveat is...if I didn't get one, it means no to Benin for me, yeah?

Probably not necessarily. It could be that another desk has gotten out invites before the health desk...or that the date on the wiki is so super unofficial that no invites are actually out yet. Or maybe everyone who is nominated for a a health extension in July for francophone SSA has found out where they are going, except for me!! Ahhhh...

Ok, moment of crazy has passed.

I think I need to go to bed. Maybe I'll get an email in the morning. The restless applicant syndrome is killing me! I really hope I haven't gotten my hopes up for the birthplace of voodoo just to have them dashed.

Positive thoughts! On that note, just one quick thing: I was thinking that I want to incorporate my PC service into my wedding somehow...and thinking I could maybe use a song or tradition I pick up. I'm probably going to have a bit of an off-beat wedding anyway, that a couple African traditions won't seem out of place...Hmmmm. Okay, good. Now I am sufficiently distracted from RAS. Yay for my fiancé!

It seems as if Benin has already been on the wiki and somehow I had just missed it. LOL. Way to go me. Sometimes I really meet those blonde moments head on. haha



  1. Don't worry, Benin is still a possibility! Just because you haven't gotten one yet doesn't mean you won't. It's possible that you're at the bottom of the stack they're reviewing for Benin. Or a different desk already sent out invites, like you said. Or someone is just really ahead of the game (see the September invites that have already gone out - wow!). Keep your fingers crossed!

  2. Hang in there! I've met other Health July Francophone people, and it seems like everyone is just in the waiting game now. That date has been up over a month, so whoever did get is likely unusually ahead of the game...maybe someone who got their departure pushed back? Those people seem to get invites sooner sometimes.

    Just looking at past years it seems like late March-late April seem to bring a lot of July invites. let's hope! :-)

  3. I had my self a midnight heart stopper of sorts too! Saturday night I had this intensely vivid dream of getting an invite to Benin. It was so real, I remember coming home and seeing the big packet, and when I read Benin I started crying with joy, and screaming and jumping around. Then... I woke up. I literally had to lay there taking deep breaths trying to not cry when I realized it was all a dream... *sigh*

    And it doesn't help that this week is the week that you said a few Benin PCVs got their invites last year, but then again I know that PC is a little backed up with a ton more applications this year, so who knows...

    On your wedding note: I love the idea of incorporating Africa into it! I can already imagine it now :) the drums and colors, or even food. It'd be amazing. And that Off-Beat Bride site is way cool (good resource for the future!).

    Any way, I hope all us July nominees hear something soon! Cheerio
