So we just finished up camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) in Bohicon. The Wiricks ran it and it was beautiful. I feel for the first time in a year that I can actually see the difference I'm making in people's lives here. I mean, my group, the red team, was just absolutely inspiring. My mind was blown in a totally awesome way. I'll just let the photos speak for themselves.
It was amazing and I got so close to my girls. I miss them now! They were so smart and motivated to change the world and be feminists! <3
I got my first med school rejection...and then I got rejected at my dream school, the University of Chicago. order to cheer myself up, I needed to make a cupcake. So I did. A delicious, gluten free peanut and coconut cupcake with chilled brown sugar coconut icing.
It was amazing and I got so close to my girls. I miss them now! They were so smart and motivated to change the world and be feminists! <3
I got my first med school rejection...and then I got rejected at my dream school, the University of Chicago. order to cheer myself up, I needed to make a cupcake. So I did. A delicious, gluten free peanut and coconut cupcake with chilled brown sugar coconut icing.
classy in the old tomato paste can...but so fluffy!
delicious and gluten free!
before the frosting...crumbly but amazing
probably the best thing I've tasted since America
So there ya go. Life is good despite the med school rejection...which is totally lame but I'm over it. The science camp is in a few weeks and I'm starting to get excited about it. I get my own team again and am running a terrarium project and a solar cooker project. We'll see how it goes. I'm also making gluten free snickerdoodle cookies tonight at the Nati workstation. WHATUP.
can you update soon?!? I love reading your posts! I am in the middle of applying to the I love learning about your experience